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#RE040 RE: Custom Star Wars Lamp

RE: Custom Star Wars Product



This is a bespoke Star Wars lamp requested by a customer.

This is a one-of-a-kind however the RE: team is more than happy to build you a lamp based on your requests!


Detailed Description

RE: looks at preserving the future through upcycling, refurbishing and reimagining. Taking products and materials that would otherwise go to landfill, RE: gives them a new lease of life. Turning them into practical, useful items that sustain our way of living while preserving the environment.

All RE: items are custom-made. If you would like to personalise your purchase please get in touch with Alisha Brown on the below email address.

Once you have purchased the above item please get in touch with [email protected] to arrange collection from our RE: Workshop, Leeds City College.

For more information or questions about RE: please email [email protected].

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