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Foundation Studies - Bridlington Trip

Foundation Studies

Amount (£)


All Foundation Studies students (JPC Beeston) are invited to an end of year trip to Bridlington.


Detailed Description

This year we will be running our annual end of year trip to Bridlington on Wednesday 11th June 2025.
All students are invited even if Wednesday is not their college day.
Students should arrive at college no later than 8.45am in preparation for setting off at 9.30.
Four coaches and two mini buses will be used to transport the students to Bridlington.
Students will return to the Joseph Priestley Centre at 16.45.
Parents/Carers must arrange their own transport to pick students up at 17:00.
In order to help fund the trip we would like to ask for a voluntary contribution up to £10 to go towards transport costs.
Add a figure up to £10 in the amount box.

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