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Oil Painting


Course Information

Oil Painting

70694-01 14 Jan 2025

This 10 week course is now running separately on a Tuesday OR a Thursday evening from 6-8:30pm at Quarry Hill Campus in Leeds city centre

Please make sure you book on the best night for you - Tuesday or Thursday

This is a non-accredited course.

Course Code

Course Description

The course is an introduction to the fundamentals of oil painting.

You will learn how to select, compose, and convert you images into impressive oil paintings.

You will learn through personal exploration and tutor demonstration from established artist Chris Campbell.

Our expert tutor Chris Campbell has exhibited widely and works in a variety of landscape and figurative styles.

See his work at http://www.campbellpainter.co.uk/







StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
70694-01 14 Jan 2025

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