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Spring Time Wreath Making

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Course Information

Spring wreath AI

30 April 2025

This one-evening course aims to introduce learners to wreath making and provide them with the practical skills and experience to create a Spring Time Wreath.

Time: 17.00 - 20.45

Course Code


Course Leader

David Stones
Course Description

Learn new skills to impress your friends and family. With expert support; you will produce a Spring Time Wreath to show off to your family, friends and neighbours.

This one evening course is aimed at anyone who wishes to learn and create a Spring Time Wreath. This course and class will be delivered in a practical and engaging way, encouraging you to all have fun while taking part.

At the end of this Spring Time Wreath Making evening course; you will have created a design that you can show to your family, friends and neighbours once you take your design home. 

Tea and Coffee will be provided while you take part in this one evening course.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
30 April 2025

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